When the cast of FRIENDS was filming the finale of the series in 2004, they became very emotional and this is what Jennifer Aniston had to say then to sum up their feelings "We're like very delicate china right now, and we're speeding toward a brick wall." Today as we are filming the finale of our engineering career, I kinda feel the same.
Not a day passes , when we do not recall the our days @ LH , when we dont discuss how we were ragged, how we met each other, when we dont recall the girls we had a crush on, (and vice-versa :P ) and so on and so forth...
Not a day passes when we do not look at the countdown timer that says 8 days remaining now, and wish that the timer itself stopped.
Back in March-April, when the sun was blazing down, I for one, hated this place and reminisced the weather in BIT back when we were in our first couple of years.When it used to rain almost daily at 4 pm during the summers and everything seemed heavenly.And now just then when we are about to leave, weather gods did a u-turn,the skies opened again,the rains returned as if trying to make up for all the shit stuff, that sometimes made us hate this college, that sometimes made us wish to fast forward time itself. (How ironic today is that we are searching for the rewind button or atleast the pause.)
It now seems as if the place itself is making one last attempt to hold us back.
A classmate of mine remarked after the examinations- " Tan, where were u lost during the exam today..? 5-10 mins u were staring at the blackboard and nothing else." Well, my friend, it dawned on me as people were leaving the examination hall, that maybe I was seeing many of them for the LAST TIME EVER :(
But leave we must, for as a wise man said, the only thing constant in life is change.And as our last college exam ended today, it has sure left us at crossroads.
People have been placed in different companies , some people are going for higher studies.
For some of us , 2 years of college life beckons at some of the best institutes in the world.
For the rest of us move on we must, from the luxury of bunking classes, to the non-stop 5 days a week 12 hours a day schedule. Where we cant request the teacher to cancel classes, where we cant have classes according to our own whims and fancies.For our last year, at college, we have had to luxury of getting up at 7 50 for a 8 am class, wonder how many offices will be that close to home. We made even the GOD of our dept wait for us to come 15 mins late to the class, wonder how many bosses will be that lenient.
As a friend of mine puts it , classes and exams may be over, but does not life test us everyday ?
As we move into the real world, where there doesnt exist a pen drive to rescue me, where i cant ask a friend to help during exams, where i cant turn to my FTP server for aid.I am not ashamed to admit that this is scaring the shit outta me.
I recently bought a 1 TB hard disk to get much stuff from the college LAN as possible, and it seems now that it turned out to be just enough, what I am wondering is what capacity hard disk will suffice the memories I take back from this place.......