The Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs), are a group of thirteen autonomous engineering and technology-oriented institutes of higher education established and declared as Institutes of National Importance by the Parliament of India. The IITs were created to train scientists and engineers, with the aim of developing a skilled workforce to support the economic and social development of India after independence in 1947. The students and alumni of IITs are colloquially referred to as IITians.
Taking in students by the JEE, which is reportedly the toughest exam in the world,their name is a brand in itself from Bathinda to Bangalore to Boston.An entire multi crore industry thrives on this.Things once came to such a scene once that we had people repeating for ages all together just to get a way into these colleges.
What i accept is the fact that these colleges are the cradle of excellence and the fact that we have many IITians behind the best brands in the world, but the question i m asking today is that whether we are neglecting the enormous talent that pours out of the other engineering colleges in the country?
Today i request you to put your self in the shoes of a prospective engineer who got rejected from an IIT.The odds that he/she faces are enormous from day1.The so called "SAMAJ" belittles him to no end...starting from the NOT-SO-CORRECT BELIEF that is ingrained in him that he does not have any value in the job market... to matters of heart..where he is either rejected in favour of an iitian..or the matrimonial ads stating "IITian groom/bride required". Every one worth his penny is out there to advice him.All doing little but belittling his "UNSUCCESSFUL" hard work of last 2 years.His whole future looks DARK to him.
Today i request you to be GARRY...and give a thought to the non-iitians as they are called.The poor souls, whose life is said to have finished for all purposes just because he messed up a 3 hr test for an institute that is not even in the top 50 engg colleges of the world,
Today i request you to give a thought to this "other" india..
IITs were established as a part of the Nehruvian model of mixed economy where the state was responsible.. for everything from SCOOTERS to education.Heavily funded and subsidized, along with the increase in the requirement of engineers, soon made them temples of technical education in India.But soon, we found out, they were not enough.. with the opening of the economy.. many private institutes also came up.
However IITs were already a niche brand.They even made their way into popular literature

More than the Dilbert strip i would like u to have a look @ pic no 2... now that he is through.. a typical IITian can let his hair down a little bit.And to be honest, he deserves it.He did some hard work and was paid for it.Now he is practically "branded for life"
For a non IITian i m afraid, things are not so rosy.He wonders which magazine rankings should he chose... which NIT or private university is good.. which is not.His JEE qualified peers have made it big.He has no clue whether he would be able to look them in the eyes again.And wen he is through to college, he knows that the fight has already begun.
The College that he got to.. is not the college of his dreams. Not a very huge library...hmmm.... FREE INTERNET what is that..? that is supposed to be for IITs no ? Subsidized canteen.. or cafeteria.. oh gimme a break.... and no.. none of his profs had published papers in IEEE or yeah no guest lectures... NO Asia level college FESTs for him..
This is wen he decides to slug it out
when an IITian makes it big.. some new invention.. some innovation.. its FRONT PAGE NEWS,despite the fact that he had adequate resources at his disposal .And when the OTHER guy does it... having struggled against the RED TAPE @ his college, having to write endless applications and begs his college for some support or patronizing.. you know.. what happens...
HOW MANY ARE US ARE AWARE OF where India’s First Tri- Fuel Hybrid Concept Car was made or where India’s first indegeniously developed Humanoid Robot was invented or which colleges besides IITs have been representing INDIA @ FORMULA STUDENT England ?
An IITian knws his college attracts the best industry attention... and to be honest they deserve it.
What about others? Little said the better.His college needs "mass-recruiters" to make it 100%..NO AMERICAN BANKS or INTERNSHIPS for him. NO BIG OIL BEHEMOTHS or some construction company in the Middle East for him.
Wouldn’t it be fair to say that he has to struggle doubly hard?
He gets down to work. Makes compromises with what he has got and tries to do his best. But do we appreciate him?
India today has her own place in the world. After years altogether of slow growth, its only now that we are so robust financially that we are among the only 2 countries to have beaten the worst economic recession since 1929, and may be it would not be unfair to say that she remains the only country with such an inclusive growth in progress taking along with it swathes of population out of poverty. At this critical juncture in our history is it only about IITians? What I want to say is that while there is no doubt about the IITs being perhaps the pinnacle of technical education in India, isn’t it time that we start give a damn about the "other" India too ?
till then
I deserve a Nobel for being the first guy to comment on your blog.Kya bolta TanQ.
ReplyDeleteThe discrimation between iitians and non-iitians stems from our fascination towards anything which is branded.When you buy a branded stuff you are ready to empty your wallet even when it may not be worthy of that price tag.And when it comes to non branded stuff(which may be worthy of it) you turn to your tactics of MOL-BHAAV.
Hope you keep blogging.Nobel pahuncha dena rum pe.
loved the shitoon.an apt one for this discussion.
ReplyDeleteAt my internship we were from top colleges ...
ReplyDeleteone IITIAN
one of them asks us"are u guys aware that there are internship opportunites abroad as well??
i mean most ppl at our colg go abroad fr internship...and I am stuck in a rut here...in INDIA...."
how would nehru have responded to that???
KAPIL SIBAL are u listening??
talking of brain drain..ive believed it to be a vicious cycle..smart ppl leave..system worsens....and worsens and worsens.....
An average IITian is happy leaving the country settling in US,Europe...and they say "dedicated to the service of the nation"..when u look down upon it sooo much...
see tanmay....i well got your point of not giving non-IITians due credit what they deserve...obviously we feel down when we meet our frnds studying in some IITs and projects and exposure they have got...but we must also consider at the same time that students are real engines of any college.If such behemoths of construction and banking sector are going there for intrns and placements, its because they have made a culture like that...u see our college...how many students are preparing fr gre,cat,jmet etc...and den you compare the results with any of the IITs...u see average number of papers published by an IIT student(not prof!!)...u compare our cv with them...probably u will get an answer.
ReplyDeleteSomeone has said that there is no smoke without fire...if society has got such prejudices/biasness....it cannot be completely denied....
but coming to your web log....again true TAN style...full of facts and info...very lucid and candid...
ReplyDeleteP.S.: Plz dont shatter keys...it might break :))
@king of kings :
ReplyDeleteName any 5 IITians who made it real big ( without resorting to wiki n google ) ....
For each one u name i will
1)name 10 non IITians who did .....
2) show 100 IITians who dint ....
Nobody is taking the the credit due to them....
Its just the patronising attitude of the common junta for the IITians that is being pointed out ....
GRE, GMAT , CAT is never a big issue ( other than in india ) .....
In India , the competition compels the junta to believe that "admission tests" measure ur mettle ....
at other places, it is what you do after getting "admitted" and passing out that matters....
@tanmay : usual ....( as in my passwords )
ReplyDeleteu kno what i mean :)
@all : who dint get the usual thing, dont loose ur sleep over it.......
ReplyDeletei mean it was well written, reflected d depth of knowledge of tan and was well researched ... :)
cheers !!!!
Hey Tanmay..
ReplyDeleteInteresting post.. I agree the brand remains.. its a huge thing.. but believe me once you are in the industry, it doesnt matter a jot if you have the knowledge and the skill set. The point is that if you put in enough hard work you will definitely be earning higher than an average IITian.. I agree that brand and facilities matter, however no one in stopping you from doing well. People from different colleges get into good companies, good universities, do good research.. Its that people who just missed out on an IIT seat (even I had a just-about rank) have to get their act together and do well ! and you cant say that people in IITs dont do hard work.. You have a greater challenge probably.. but thats what life is about i guess. And one last thing, if you really love what you are doing and put in 100% then no matter what you will be doing well..
And now in your final year at your engineering college, I would say its time non-iitians look beyond this.. Why should one think about one exam (i agree its important) and miss what is happening currently in their life..
ReplyDeleteI know made this mistake..
i think you have valid point here. the iits are a n island of excellence in an ocean of mediocrity. but...
ReplyDeletelife in a corporate world is a unbashed rat race. so while the iitian might have a head-start ahead of you, ultimately you've as good a chance to make it big.
@ Ignoramus : Thanks buddy..i knew khata kholna ka zimma tera hi tha...
ReplyDelete@ shrill : yeah i have had a similar experience my self....we got KGP is not known for its hospitality is it ? Anyways, my point was more abt recognition of the other engg colleges.
@ king : I m not belittling any college. I am not saying that every college is an IIT. I am talking more about respect here.
@ vikramaditya : thanks yaar....
@ nadu and sidhartha : i agree... 100 %..its time we move on.
Not bad a response.. eh..?
Thanks every1..
Great Work!
ReplyDeleteYou've really done a wonderful job by giving words to the unremitting inferiority complex that every 'JEE rejected' student harbours almost throughout his/her life.
But I do feel that it is the attidude of the common ppl, their unquestionable loyalty to the Intitutes of national standing (esp. the IITs and the IIMs) that terribly tears through the confidence of the 'JEE rejected' (i.e whatever little is left over after being given that 'rejected' tag!!).
Yes, these are the institutes that have the pool of "creams" in terms of talent and intelligence.....but just one thought...at the current stage...are these intitutes capable enough to give chance to the nation's entire grp of hardwrking and capable enough youth? Well, I dnt think so...and that's a significant enough reason for not looking dwn upon ppl without the IIT brand attached to them...
And hence I feel, as one among the non-IITians, that we r better off not lending our ears to the commonly used judgemental n at times even humiliating remarks from the "janta".....but we'll always respect the calibre of the students in these institutes
Nice, candid and an informative post!! :)
Keep rolling!